Profound thoughts from Steve
One of the biggest blessings in the healing that took place after the death of my first husband, was the gift of my second husband. He has been a surprise from the Lord, to say the least.
Yesterday, he gave me some great material to use when I speak on being a "wIFe". You can check my website out for that description ... but in a nutshell, I have a speaking topic called "My life as a wIFe". Note that "wIFe" is spelled, "we" with a great big "IF" in the middle! As life would have it, I have fresh material for this talk all the time! :)
Yesterday was no exception.
I returned home from the grocery store to find that I was running low on time before our dinner guests arrived. Steve chose the wrong time to walk through the kitchen. I promptly put him to work. First thing ... "Honey, would you mind putting these salad dressings in the fridge door to cool down before we eat?" Kindly, he smiled and turned around, heading for the bags to unload my bounty of Newman's and Hidden Valley.
When he opened the door to the refrigerator, he looked into the crowded door filled with bottles, jars, and containers. He sighed heavily, and proceeded to unload the whole fridge door onto my countertop. Now, let me say, this is EXACTLY the same sort of behavior I have seen out of my father over the years. My mother will ask him to stop and help her do something that is easy ... and he(and his enormous left brain) will have to reorganize, label, and color code whatever the project is centered around. It drives Daddy crazy to see how Mama lets things get ... ummm ... "right-brainy". We creative types must have our outlets. You could eat off Mama's or my kitchen floor with no risk of disease ... but stay out of our fridges and sock drawers. It isn't pretty.
So, back to yesterday. Steve is so much like my father, and so he dove right in to correct my "right-brainy disorder". Observing this from the other side of the kitchen ... and knowing our guests were most likely on their way across town ... I released a low, gutteral growl and said, "You're doing that thing my father does." Steve looked up at me with sticky, half-full bottles of dressing that expired 7 years ago and unashamedly stated, "That's because you are doing that thing your mother does."


Steve 1
Marlo 0


Blogger Kate said...

hahaha, that's great. :0) reminds me of certain scenarios around OUR apartment these days.

Blogger Marybeth Whalen said...

Hey Marlo-- I found your blog through Dawn's blog portfolio and thought-- "hey, I know her!"
I met you at ICRS when you were walking around with Ginger.
What a small world that we have the same blog designer! How did you find Dawn?? She does such great work and is now designing pretty much all of the P31 speaker blogs.
Nice to find you-- I'll be back!

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