Brad on Emergencies
I was just in my bathroom getting ready for bed. Brad had been bedded down for about 45 minutes and as far as I knew, he was already a good 15 into the land of dancing sugarplums.

Wrong again.

Suddenly Brad appeared in the doorway and he said, "Mom, this is an emergency. I have an announcement to make!"

I said, "What in the world is wrong, and why aren't you asleep yet???"

He replied, "Mom, I have a chest hair. A real, grown up chest hair. Look!"

He pulled the neck of his jammy shirt down to reveal a red splotch on his chest ... but no hair was in sight. I said, "Son, you've rubbed yourself raw!"

He looked in the mirror and said, "Good grief, I have. Hey, where'd my chest hair go?"

I said, "You rubbed it away! Now GO to bed and don't come back out unless it's a REAL emergency!"

He reluctantly turned to go but said as he went, "Well there was a chest hair there. I felt it." (sigh)

Poor little, precious man.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too Funny! I can just hear him say that. He needs to be your household's next published author! Barbara

Blogger Kate said...

9 days...still no post. are you alive over there?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This kid is a riot!

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