A Day of Grace
The morning after ... the refined sugar hangover ... the visions of Peeps dancing in my head ...
It's Easter Monday and I'm drowning in wrappers and my fingers are permanently dyed purple. Good times ... good times.

Yesterday was a perfectly wonderful day. It began, as I said in yesterday's post, with lots of sunshine and warmth. We walked into a floral sanctuary and worshipped the risen King - punctuating the rebirth of spring with a Divine exclamation point.
Then we all gathered at Mama and Daddy's for lunch and festivities. The meal was the perfect Easter Day buffet of ham, chicken pie, potato salad, deviled eggs, corn, green beans, fruit salad, sweet potatoes, mac&cheese, yeast rolls, and sweet tea. Dessert was homemade banana pudding, pineapple cake, and more candy than the kids could stuff in. Lunch was followed by the laughter and fun of all the grandchildren dyeing 76 boiled eggs around Mama's kitchen table. From 3 to 24 - all the kids joined in and it was glorious to watch. After the little round masterpieces were dripping with color, the gaggle flocked out into the yard for hours of "capture the flag" and bubble-blowing. Daddy's landscaping is made up of over 200 southern azalea plants and the contrast of all that color against the freshly mowed green was a symphony of color for the eyes. After all the kids were dizzy from fun and stained with grass and dirt ... they all piled back into Mama's kitchen as she started hauling all the leftovers out onto the counter for a second pass.
It was at that point that I had to make my exit with my youngest, as bedtime was rapidly approaching. After I returned home and put her to bed, I called back over to Mama's to ask her a question. When she answered, I could barely hear her for all of the laughter and noise in the background. As we made our exchange and hung up with an, "I love you and see you tomorrow", I hit the end button on my phone and smiled.

Yesterday was a living promise of the hope we have in Christ. Like I said last week, our family has sustained some real blows these last two years ... and we are still healing. But in the celebration of our Lord - I see our own celebration. We are eternally restored by the Resurrection, we are seasonally restored by spring, and we are relationally restored by love. All of that truth collided at my parent's house yesterday ... and it was a crescendo of grace.

It was the very definition of grace.


Blogger Kate said...

it was a super fun day, overall. ;)

it's like the scripture in the epistle yesterday... "But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me has not been in vain."

...his grace hasn't been in vain.

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