I had an interesting conversation with a dear friend last night. Were talking about grace. Sometimes it seems that we get so caught up in trying to live such perfect lives that we almost strangle under the burden of being righteous. I think there is a vast difference between trying to live a sanctified life, and trying to be perfect. It would seem that to be sanctified (more like Christ each day), would be living to please God. It would also seem that trying to be perfect, would be living to impress man ... or dodge man's scrutiny. I think some churches lend themselves to that more than others. In talking with my friend, we were discussing all of this in light of God's grace. We also wondered how we really measure up to the early church of Acts. I read about them, and it seems that they all were living to spur one another on. They were supportive ... they loved ... they shared in joy and in sorrow.
I told my friend the analogy that comes to my mind in regards to the modern church is this.
Inevitably, when on vacation, the traffic comes to a complete stand still on the interstate. You sit there burning gas for what seems an eternity, until finally you begin to creep along. When you get about 3 miles down the road, you see the aftermath of anything from a big-rig blowout, to a fender bender, to an all-out catastrophic collision. What has taken the traffic so long to move?? We all know it is because people have to stare and gaze at the situation as they pass by. Very few stop to help ... but hundreds love to watch.
This is how I often see the church. In this life, we all have our hard times. We're all human, and I believe God truly does understand that we are dust. When one of us stumbles, stammers, or out-and-out falls ... there are only a few that truly care enough to stop and help rescue and restore the injured. Most of the time, the rest just pass by the situation with either a genuine disappointment, or a haughty judgment ... all the while, failing to see that we are all capable of the same accidents in life ... the same pitfalls ... the same weaknesses. It just seems that when a Christian falls ... the thud is loud and people like to stare.
I must admit, I find myself judging a lot more than I'd like. I'm one of those in the car driving by with my nose pressed to the window ... instead of the one with a blood stained shirt pulling victims from the twisted metal. This is what has convicted my heart more and more since Rick's death. There are so many kinds of people I have judged, having never walked an inch ... much less a mile in their shoes.
While I do believe in church discipline, I also know that sometimes we ask that people live up to a terribly long "to do " list, spiritually speaking. People don't often share their weaknesses for fear of scorn ... and then they are left to go it in silence ... and often that leads to a train wreck.
I am seeking God diligently these days, asking Him to reveal His heart to me in this matter. We hear so much about tolerance these days ... there are no more standards ... anything goes. Well, that is not so. God has standards, and we are commanded to be holy as He is holy. However, "where sin doth abound, grace abounds all the more".
I just know that in my heart I really want to become the kind of Christian that pulls the car over, jumps out, and gets my shirt bloody as I try to lend a hand to helping with the disaster. I don't want to be the passer-by with my nose pressed to the window any more.
Grace and peace ~
I told my friend the analogy that comes to my mind in regards to the modern church is this.
Inevitably, when on vacation, the traffic comes to a complete stand still on the interstate. You sit there burning gas for what seems an eternity, until finally you begin to creep along. When you get about 3 miles down the road, you see the aftermath of anything from a big-rig blowout, to a fender bender, to an all-out catastrophic collision. What has taken the traffic so long to move?? We all know it is because people have to stare and gaze at the situation as they pass by. Very few stop to help ... but hundreds love to watch.
This is how I often see the church. In this life, we all have our hard times. We're all human, and I believe God truly does understand that we are dust. When one of us stumbles, stammers, or out-and-out falls ... there are only a few that truly care enough to stop and help rescue and restore the injured. Most of the time, the rest just pass by the situation with either a genuine disappointment, or a haughty judgment ... all the while, failing to see that we are all capable of the same accidents in life ... the same pitfalls ... the same weaknesses. It just seems that when a Christian falls ... the thud is loud and people like to stare.
I must admit, I find myself judging a lot more than I'd like. I'm one of those in the car driving by with my nose pressed to the window ... instead of the one with a blood stained shirt pulling victims from the twisted metal. This is what has convicted my heart more and more since Rick's death. There are so many kinds of people I have judged, having never walked an inch ... much less a mile in their shoes.
While I do believe in church discipline, I also know that sometimes we ask that people live up to a terribly long "to do " list, spiritually speaking. People don't often share their weaknesses for fear of scorn ... and then they are left to go it in silence ... and often that leads to a train wreck.
I am seeking God diligently these days, asking Him to reveal His heart to me in this matter. We hear so much about tolerance these days ... there are no more standards ... anything goes. Well, that is not so. God has standards, and we are commanded to be holy as He is holy. However, "where sin doth abound, grace abounds all the more".
I just know that in my heart I really want to become the kind of Christian that pulls the car over, jumps out, and gets my shirt bloody as I try to lend a hand to helping with the disaster. I don't want to be the passer-by with my nose pressed to the window any more.
Grace and peace ~
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