Dental Flaws
Bradley has been going though the snagglepuss phase of life with some teeth in ... others out ... some on their way ... some not even budging. It's always a good look. His two top permanent teeth are fully grown in now and looking pretty dapper. However, both of the teeth on each side of the front ones are still missing.

Okay, Brad tends to brush his teeth like his hands are numb. He puts no elbow grease into the process whatsoever and I doubt that the plaque considers him much of a threat whatsoever. This is especially true in the mornings before school and at the height of Brad groaning about how sleepy he is and how he wants to go back to bed. I have always felt that the numb arm- brushing is his dramatic way of making his point with hopes that I will look at him and say, "Oh dear boy, you are obviously so tired that I shan't dare send you off to school. Please forgive me for waking you and by all means, go back to bed. School can wait." Consequently, those words have never fallen from my lips and aren't likely to any time soon.

The other day, we were in the middle of the morning ritual and I just couldn't stand it anymore. I looked at Brad and said, "Hand me that toothbrush. I cannot stand this sad display of oral hygiene any longer!" Shocked and perked up at the threatening sound of my voice, Brad reluctantly handed over his Spongebob Reach and I put one hand on his chin and took the brush with the other saying, "OPEN up!" With a gleam of complete terror in his eyes, Brad unhinged his jaw and let me in. I set to scrubbing those two Chicklets in the front and apparently in my zeal, I brushed on his gums where the new teeth haven't broken the surface yet.

Brad recoiled with a wince and those famous eyebrows furrowed. That, coupled with the frothy bubbles pouring from his mouth made him look a little like an angry Rottweiler. He spit and began rubbing his gums beside the front teeth. Then he looked up at me and said, "Gee mom, do you MIND ... these baby's ain't born yet!!!!"

Can you be reported for dental abuse? I was only trying to help ... ::nervous laughter::



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