You Never Know What a Day Holds
Well, today was one of those days that makes you so thankful for every little insignificant thing in your life. It was one of those days that reminds you just how fragile life is and just how much our every breath depends on the Lord.
It began like every other ordinary day. I went to Greensboro with my mother to return some shoes. We planned on a nice lunch to follow, and a chance to catch up on the weekend's events. Then the call came.
All the sudden everything came to a screeching halt. Our dear friends, The Nobles, have a son, Currey. He is a rising Freshman at Asheboro High School, as well as an amazing athlete, committed Christian, brainiac, and all around awesome guy. I'm telling you ... this kid is truly one in a million. You just can't say anything bad about him. He's the real deal.
At soccer practice this morning it was already sweltering hot by 8am. The coach was demanding too much from the guys without enough care being administered and the long and short of it is that Currey suffered a major heat stroke. He was rushed to Winston-Salem, NC ... Brenner Children's Hospital ... where thankfully he began to respond and improve. At the time of my call today, we still didn't know what the outcome would be. All I knew was that the stroke was severe and he wasn't responding. As Steve and I drove to the hospital, I was reminded of the day Rick died and how sudden bad news leaves you numb and afraid. It just feels so out of control. It's horrible.
Thankfully, Currey's outcome was joyful ... however, on the ride over ... we didn't know what it would be. All we could do was cry out to God and trust Him for the answer. What a reminder of our daily dependence upon His grace and mercy. We're always ... at every single moment of our lives, just that needy and dependant. It's just moments like this one that remind us of that truth.
Currey will undergo tests tomorrow on his heart and kidneys. The best news is that he knew me when he saw me, and he is ALIVE. Our prayers remain that there is no long term damage to his other organs. Again, we'll have to pray and trust.
Life is never predictable is it? I'm just thankful that God is faithful ... and Currey is alive.

Hug the ones you love and be thankful tonight ~


Blogger Jeff said...

"how fragile life is and just how much our every breath depends on the Lord"

right on

Anonymous Anonymous said...

how is he doing? caroline gave me an update last night, but i thought you might know more.

love, katie

[ps. i'm not signed on to google because gulfstream blocks it. lol]

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